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Opposite Attract Discussion Questions (best when accompanied with French wine and cheese)
- Do you think Alyce enjoyed herself too much or too little while on her adventure?
- How do food and cooking assist in the transformation of Alyce?
- How did each character’s childhood affect them as adults?
- What are your thoughts on a “marriage of convenience” or an arranged marriage?
- Jean-Luc eventually states that writing is “a commodity.” Do you see this a sign of positive growth or as an abandonment of artistic ideals?
- For most of the story, the author uses various means to conceal Collette’s true identity. How does knowing the truth change your perception of Jean-Luc?
- French is “the language of love.” How would Alyce’s experience have been different had she gone to a different country and learned another language?
- Who (or what) do you think is the true antagonist of this story?
- With which character do you most identify, and why?
- Opposites Attack has a number of themes—non-traditional family, culture shock, odd-couple romance, and more. What do you think is the most important one?