Rock DJ goddess Carol Miller winding up another segment of “Get the Led Out” on her weeknight show on Q-104.3FM in New York City.
I’ve known of Carol Miller since the day she spoke her first word on the New York airwaves in the 1970s. I was an aspiring DJ myself then. There were so few women on the radio that word spread quickly when a new one infiltrated the all boys camp. Seems crazy today, doesn’t it? Really. It was a big deal to hear a woman on the radio who wasn’t pitching diapers or shampoo in a commercial.
In time, I made it to New York and crossed paths with Carol a few times, mainly on voiceover auditions. I knew she had dealt with breast cancer and never spoke about it. In the fall of 2012, Carol published a riveting memoir Up All Night: My Life and Times in Rock Radio. I had no idea the extent to which she has fought a genetic predisposition to cancer. She’s had 25 surgeries over 40 years.
I knew I had to interview her. I was lucky enough to do this for The New York Times. If you click on the words in blue above and don’t find the article, please let me know. Be sure to check out the audio portion, too.
Stand by for Part Two, what didn’t make it into the interview, where she talks about rock stars (some she dated) and whether Led Zeppelin will reunite. Carol is a world-renowned expert on the band through her syndicated daily show “Get the Led Out” which began in 1984.