Do you think dolls are cute or creepy? Most people fall in one camp or the other. Yet every culture has dolls. Why? My theory is they go back to when a cave woman made one to amuse her kid while she rubbed two sticks together to make a fire. Or perhaps she lost a child and it comforted her. As time went on, dolls became a way for girls to practice being a mommy. The Japanese have Hinamatsuri, Doll Festival (aka Girl’s Day) on March 3rd. Girls set up their dolls in a precisely formatted display and visit each other. Do you ever watch the TV crime show “Castle”? The tough boss – a woman they call “Sir” – is a doll nut! There’s Chuckie, the evil doll. Marie Osmond the doll maker. Reborn babies – dolls that look and feel exactly like an infant – are now the rage and go for sky-high dollars.
No matter how high tech we get, dolls will never disappear.
I feel like an insider/outsider in the doll world. I totally get it and can go gaga for a doll. I can also be detached (the writer in me). I’m still a little heartbroken that my black Scootles has departed for Kapiti, New Zealand, or that an adorable Kathe Kruse is in Germany. I also love that they’re there; how the dolls have opened up the world for me. It’s fascinating to see what captures someone’s fancy to the degree they’ll pay for it. It always comes back to a story. There is one I wished I’d kept, though. My little Japanese geisha doll with six different wigs. Click here to read my doll story in the News & Record’s feature article. Click here for what Yes! Weekly wrote along with 25 color photos. My New York Times essay is here. And this PINTEREST page shows all the dolls up for adoption.
I really enjoyed reading this article and viewing the images of the dolls. Your mother was truly passionate about her collection of doll gems.
It was heartwarming to realize after your several-year estangement, the two of you reunited. I admire you for respecting your mother’s wish and keeping the dolls together this long. I hope they all eventually are adopted out to new owners who will appreciate and care for them as much as your mother did and as much as you are now doing.
Debbie, thank you so much for your kind and understanding words.